How Job Seekers Should Negotiate Over Salary – CBS MoneyWatch

May 14th, 2018

“I’ve always thought it was a horrible question. What you are currently making or what you made in your last job is really besides the point,” said Robert Hellmann, a senior certified career coach at the Five O’Clock Club.

“The point is: What are you currently worth in the marketplace? What are your skills worth, and how do companies price those skills? That’s what you should be discussing,” added Hellman.

He advises his clients to try to avoid answering the salary-history question, especially if they’re in the enviable position of being able to walk away from a potential job because they have other good prospects. You can deflect the question several ways, he said, in addition to possibly putting “to be discussed” or “n/a” on an application that asks for salary information. One tactic is to turn the tables by asking a potential employer to disclose the pay for a position upfront. Job seekers can also try to politely change the subject, he said.   [Read More]

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