Juggling the Job Search While You’re Still Employed

February 5th, 2020

Whether you’re looking to make a career change or simply craving a new experience, looking for a job while you’re still employed can be a tricky endeavor. While most career experts would tell you to start your search while you still have a job, it’s important to approach the situation carefully.

Using your professional network

While you’re working, you have a professional network looking out for you. When you’re in constant interaction with industry contacts, you’re more likely to be aware of job opportunities than if you weren’t in the workforce.

Having a job also makes you much more attractive to a future employer. It shows you’re currently in demand, and companies are only looking to hire the best. Additionally, quitting your job before securing another is a high-risk situation you’re better off avoiding.

Dealing with tension at your current job

It’s up to you how transparent to be with your boss when explaining absences for interviews. You can avoid lying by simply stating you have “personal business” to take care of, or use any number of excuses. Whichever you choose, just be sure to be confident and assertive. You have a right to privacy. Take control of your schedule and plan vacation days in advance. For example, if possible, plan a vacation day every other week during your job hunt, and try to meet with as many people as you can on those days. Just be careful not to create a situation that compromises your current position.

Passive job searching

The changing marketplace for jobs today has most people looking for a job whether they realize it or not. Platforms like LinkedIn and Switch allow professionals to get their name out there without actively searching for a job.

To use these apps in a more active way, make sure your resume or LinkedIn profile is complete and rich with keywords. Make it easy for recruiters to find you and match you with potential positions. Check in daily to be aware of any new opportunities.

Whether you’re just getting your feet wet or diving head first into a job search, let GetFive help you get organized. With positivity and perserverance, we believe you can land the job of your dreams.






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