By Chip Conlin, GetFive Certified Coach

Before the introduction of social networking sites and apps, job seekers relied on friends, family and colleagues for referrals and networking opportunities. But the rise of LinkedIn adds a new dimension to your job search, accelerating you toward that perfect position. GetFive method teaches that networking and direct contact are the two most effective ways to generate interviews. This active method encourages job seekers to be proactive, and in today’s world of social networking, this is more important than ever.

Here’s how you can use LinkedIn to implement the TFC method:

Set up for success

Your LinkedIn profile should be 100 percent complete, and that includes a quality professional photo. But don’t just restate everything that’s on your resume. Your profile should reflect your two-minute pitch. Make your accomplishments and value propositions clear. Use keywords that will help recruiters find you and don’t forget about the importance of recommendations. A complete profile has three or more recommendations.

Look for companies, not jobs

LinkedIn makes it easier than ever to explore your target markets. You can learn a lot about both the small and large companies in your targeted industries, finding ways to get your foot in the door.

Join groups

Expand your professional network by joining groups. These groups will point you in the direction of the right contacts. Many groups also have a forum for brainstorming and discussing job targets and industries, allowing you to share in others’ knowledge.

Contact organizations directly

After researching companies and adding them to your targeted list, you can dig up even more information by searching LinkedIn. You can easily find the right person to talk to inside the organization and contact them directly.

By allowing you to make direct contact, introductions, keep in touch, find the right companies and people, LinkedIn makes TFC’s method easier to execute. GetFive can help you with everything from resume building to interviewing skills and networking best practices.

Chip Conlin has been a Certified GetFive Coach since 1996. He is the Director of  TFC Central which holds weekly career development and job search strategy workshops in NYC. He also maintains an active private practice in which he advises clients from a variety of professions.


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