Bridging the Gap: 6 Steps to Manage Change with Ease

In our modern, digital age, it’s hard to keep up with the innovation and change in both the workplace and in one’s own personal life. As such, adaptability and the opportunity to create and recreate your professional identity has become one of the most important qualities a person can have.

Adapting means the willingness to take on a challenge to confront and embrace change. By doing so you become a stronger, smarter person.

These are six ways to do that:

  1. When things get tough, remind yourself that this is an opportunity to grow. Get outside your comfort zone, look beyond the obvious, and be ready for an adventure.
  1. Write out a clear plan. Start with where you are and where you want to be. From there, outline your goals and focus on what you really want to achieve.
  1. Make an action plan for how you want to get started. Take it one step at a time, be honest, be brave, and don’t procrastinate. You’ll be surprised where this will take you.
  1. Obstacles, setbacks, and disappointments may tempt you to give up and say something like, “Oh well, it wasn’t that important.” A bump — even a pothole — in the road just might provide the new perspective you need to succeed.
  1. Break up your plan week by week. Map out what you can fit in this week and set an intention for the next.
  1. Celebrate your successes along the way. Self-acknowledgment is powerful and will help you stay motivated.

Stepping into new territory can be a daunting experience, but stay strong and know you’re not alone. The better you understand how to manage a transition, the more power you’ll have to cross over into the new and exciting career opportunities that await you.

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