Member Success: Members Make Rewarding Career Transitions

Those who have lost positions in now-dwindling industries must reinvent themselves.

As such, they face some of the greatest difficulties when it comes to finding a new career. Here’s where GetFive members have the advantage and can make use of dependable resources and invaluable support.

Take, for example, Nancy. For 24 years Nancy worked in the book publishing industry, managing printing vendors. Then she lost her job. “I love the industry and have a great network, but the jobs just aren’t there, and even if I found one, I felt that I was just going to be in the same place in three to five years,” she said.

Nancy needed to change directions. She set about identifying what skills she had and where she wanted to go. As part of this process, she began to do extensive networking. When meeting with people, Nancy recognized the need to convince people that she could navigate a new and different culture with ease.

Her work was paying off but ultimately, she realized she needed to be realistic and flexible enough to take a step back. “I was at a senior director level, and I’m now at a manager level,” she explained.

Nancy’s new position is with a business process outsourcing firm, managing suppliers in consumer packaging and marketing. “I had a staff of 14 people at my old job, and it’s just me now. I’m trying to retool my skills and move forward.”

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