Networking Mojo Starts with a Solid Professional Pitch

Many professionals attend association meetings to learn more about their profession, meet others within their same field or industry, and learn how they can advance in their own careers. However, it’s common to feel a bit like a fish out of water at these events if you’re not confident and comfortable with networking. The key to successful networking is a friendly, professional attitude and a polished Professional Pitch. In fact, professional associations are a great place to practice your pitch so you’re ready to network and take advantage of opportunity at any time. You just never know when your next powerful connection could be made!

Remember, a savvy professional can find networking opportunities under any circumstances. You need to be prepared with your Professional Pitch (or a 30-second version of your pitch) because you never know when the opportunity to meet someone who can help you in your career will present itself. Having the self-confidence to tell someone who you are professionally and the type of work you are interested in pursuing, even over cocktails or while waiting in line, can open up entirely new possibilities for you!

For example, at a recent industry association happy hour, many professionals were looking to transition their sales careers into other industries. Rather than simply hitting the job boards, remember the opportunities right there in front of you with other sales professionals who might just be able to help you in that effort. This is the ideal time to use your Professional Pitch.

If you need help developing and honing your Professional Pitch, you’re not alone. Few professionals are able to come out hitting a home run the first time they step up to the plate. By working with a GetFive coach, you can tailor yours to perfectly suit your career goals.

Once you are armed with a stellar Professional Pitch and have the confidence to deliver it, you’ll quickly find your mojo at any networking event. Now get out there and meet with as many people as you can who are knowledgeable in your field!

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