New Year, New Dreams, New Opportunities

Did you know the period immediately following New Year’s Day is typically the busiest hiring time of the calendar year?

That’s because many companies are scrambling to fill jobs budgeted from the previous year, and because as new budgets take effect, companies are gearing up to hire.

Although the economy is healthy, there are a substantial number of qualified people ready to fill many managerial, professional and technical positions. Though promising, the job market is nonetheless challenging and complex.

But facing challenges is nothing new to GetFive members. We know that to succeed in landing that next great job or promotion, you still need to outshine your competition and think in a proactive manner.

Refresh your way of thinking

Coming up with new ideas and solutions to problems is really the key to moving forward in your job search. Don’t be afraid of failure. Beta test your ideas and give them your best shot, but if they don’t work out, it’s time to move on.

This is really the heart of what it means to develop new momentum for your job search campaign.

Often, the barriers to advancing your job search are tactical in nature. Instead of dwelling on what you did wrong in the past, focus on what new tactics you can employ and what you can do differently going forward. For instance, begin by asking yourself:

  • Are your target companies and industries specific and realistic enough?
  • Are you saying the right things to the right people at the right levels within your target companies?
  • Are you giving and receiving information in a way that moves your search along?

These examples are just a sample of the types of new ideas job hunters can explore in the new year.

Let’s make our collective resolution one of renewed hope for the year. You can land a new job or get that promotion. Let’s think creatively and explore new ideas. This year, anything is possible!

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