When you’re in the midst of the job search grind, it’s common to feel like you’re willing to take almost anything just to pay the bills. But don’t let discouragement allow you to lower your standards.

The fact is, anyone can get a job, but it’s the direction that truly counts. Will this job lead you down the path you want to go? And if you’re going to spend at least 40 hours each week somewhere, why not make sure it’s enjoyable?

Your resume boasts a long list of skills, strengths and experience that you can sell to a future employer. While it’s important to identify what you do well, you also need to know what you enjoy doing. Don’t get sucked into an industry that isn’t right for you. Make sure that you take the job offer that will lead you toward what you want to do for the next five, ten or even fifteen years.

For many professionals, a change in environment is all they need. For example, one law firm partner thought he was miserable and wanted to leave the field of law. But after participating in GetFive’s assessment process, he found his passion in the wine industry and ended up as a senior legal counsel for a large winery. This simple change in his environment made the biggest difference in his job satisfaction.

In the end, your job search isn’t about just getting a job. Finding one is the easy part, and the challenge is to find the right fit for you. So instead of chasing jobs, chase companies. Do your research and select places where you’d love to work, even if they don’t have an immediate opening. Ask for an informational interview and then keep in touch. Form relationships and develop the skills you need to take on any future openings at that company.

No matter where you are in your career, develop a vision for your future and go for it. Find out what you enjoy doing and pair that with what you do well naturally. Don’t waste time in a job that leaves you feeling unfulfilled. Find one that gives you a sense of purpose while moving your career forward.







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