Play to Win in Office Politics – Kansas City Star

May 14th, 2018

The Five O’Clock Club, a human resource consultancy, counsels that playing politics can be done ethically, starting with shifting your mindset about playing the game. It’s a good thing to develop allies, share information and anticipate reactions.

We’re talking about relationships, trust, diplomacy and pipelines to power. It’s an old axiom that you can’t become a leader if no one will follow you.

You have to build credibility by good, honest work, share credit when it’s due, and ask input from others. You have to spread compliments, when merited, like jam on toast.

Being good at office politics is all about creating influence. If your bosses believe you have their best interests at heart, they’ll be more likely to listen to your ideas, include you in planning and offer promotions. [Read More]

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