Aim High, Yet Remember the Simple Things in Life

March 28th, 2022

You probably spend a lot of time thinking about your professional life. Your thoughts range from “What can I do to better myself in my current job?” to “What can I do to earn that next promotion?” Others may ask more basic questions, like “How do I just get my next job?”

The job of the coaches at GetFive is to go beyond the answers to these questions and help people actually achieve their professional goals. Through critical assessment exercises, resume revisions, and the creation of an intriguing Professional Pitch, coaches help plan job search strategies in phases and stages.

All of this takes time and dedication. Members who are not currently employed should be putting in at least 35 hours a week on their search; those who work should put in at least 15 hours a week.

Yes, a job search does take a lot of work, and it can definitely take its toll on loved ones. Oftentimes, family members feel shunned or neglected. After all, they want to help! But many outsiders think that getting a job is simply a matter of going online, answering ads, and voila, you have a job.

Those of you who have had to job search know the process is not that simple. It takes long hours, dedication, and hard work. However, it’s easy to lose sight of those people who support you the most. While a close family member may not be the ideal Stage 1 contact, they may offer you something even more precious in those hours you can make available to them: their support, love, and encouragement.

Make time to focus on what their day was like, or offer to help them in some way. Work and life in general are more complex these days, so in those few precious moments when you are with those closest to you, keep it simple. Share a funny story, or recall an earlier time when you did something special with a friend or family member. It may provide just the balance you need in your life to make you shine on that next interview!

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