Read This Book! Using ‘The Art of People’ to Refine the Brush Strokes of your Career

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Virtually every career path you can think of requires at least some people skills, and some — the ones that pay really well and are most fulfilling — often call for a high level of expertise at dealing with others. Author Dave Kerpen calls this people-managing expertise “The Art of People” and explores the many nuances of the concept in his new book.

Many of the insights Kerpen shares in his book are directly applicable to your career journey — from searching for a job to moving forward in your career and strategizing to achieve the life you want, both personally and professionally. Paired with the tactics we talk about in GetFive, Kerpen’s insights into the art of dealing with people can be valuable tools in helping move your career forward.

Of course, not everyone is experienced, adept or even willing to manage their interactions with others. But Kerpen argues that mastering the art of people “will get you everything you want.”

“You can’t understand and influence

others until you fully

understand yourself at a deep level.”


Kerpen talks about using a personality test to help you better understand what kind of person you are, including what motivates you and what challenges you might place in your own way. At GetFive, we encourage you to do this kind of self-modeling through our Seven Stories Exercise®. The exercise draws on your past personal and professional experience to help you identify your most valuable and satisfying skills — so you know what skill requirements to look for in a job to evaluate if it could be right for you.

“Every minute you spend with someone who isn’t going to help you

get what you want is a minute spent away from

someone who may help you get what you want.”


Meeting the right people is critical for your career development. Kerpen explores not only how you can meet people who will move your career forward, but how to leverage virtually every meeting into one that can help you reach your goals. This philosophy is at the heart of why GetFive urges members to be active participants in our group coaching sessions, in networking opportunities in your industry, and in one-on-one meetings with people who may not have an immediate job opportunity for you. Kerpen also lauds the value of creating your own advisory board — a group of people who can help you think through and resolve challenges and issues. Many of our members use our group coaching sessions to do exactly that!

“Show the other party … that you care, before you

even consider asking something of him in return.”


Kerpen says the most important question you can ever ask a prospective business partner (or employer or anyone else) is “How can I help you?” This is perfect advice for when you’re getting ready to sit down in a job interview or networking meeting. Before you deliver your two-minute pitch, listen attentively to what the interviewer is telling you he or she needs. Demonstrate that you care about the person, the company and the position — not just the potential paycheck — by asking how you can help. Once you understand what the other party needs, you’ll be in a better position to convince him or her that you can deliver value.

“… No matter what, if you don’t ask for it,

you’re not going to get it.”


Kerpen shares the story of a young salesperson who worked for him. She did an excellent job throughout sales calls, but had trouble closing the deal at the end of calls. Her mistake? She didn’t directly ask prospects for their business. “Many people are so afraid to get a ‘no’ that they don’t ask for a ‘yes,’” Kerpen says. “The ironic thing here is that they’re virtually guaranteeing getting a ‘no’ by not asking for a ‘yes.’ Embrace the fear of ‘no.’ Then ask for the ‘yes.’” Navigating your career is much the same. Whether you’re ironing out salary and benefits through a job offer, asking for a raise or negotiating a separation package, if you don’t ask for what you want, you’ll definitely never get it.

“The Art of People” is full of other valuable insights that directly apply to career development, and we’ve shared only a handful of them here. It’s well worth your time to read the entire book — it’s a quick and entertaining read — and apply Kerpen’s tactics to perfect both the fine and broad brush strokes of your professional journey.














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