What to Do Before Saying “Yes” to a Job Offer

When you’re searching for a job, it’s easy to get caught up in the “just give me the job” mentality. You feel like you’d do anything to fill the spot. But it’s important to remember that while the employer is looking for the right candidate, you are looking for the right employer. Before you accept an offer, be sure to check out the workplace culture and get to know your potential boss. It could mean the difference between loving and hating your new job.

Here’s some tips from GetFive:

Do Some Investigating

  • Try to get a grasp of your boss’ management style. You can’t change it, so you should size up your chances of living with the quirks.
  • Find out as much as possible about the corporate culture. How do they make decisions? Will your style fit in this new setting?

Ask the Right Questions

Here are some tough, but fair questions you can ask throughout the interview process:

  • If I were to interview your staff, what would they say it’s like to work for you?
  • What is your process for keeping the team informed? How often do you communicate to them as a group?
  • How will you measure success? What will be the metrics?
  • What is the turnover? Why do people leave this organization?
  • What do you see as the top three priorities for the person in this position?
  • What do you see as the company’s biggest challenges?

Before you say “yes” to a job offer, make sure you’re making an informed decision. Investigate the company culture and your boss’ management style to see if you could be truly happy in the position.



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