Sending a Thank You Note After Your Interview? Here’s How to Do it Right

How do you typically write a thank you note after a job interview or a networking meeting? Do you send a quick email or send a formal card in the mail? This might be the standard practice, but it does little to set you apart from your competition. Now is the time for you to strategically demonstrate why you are the best person for the job as well as address any of the interviewer’s concerns.

After an interview you have an opportunity to let your interviewers know that you heard what needs to be accomplished and that you have the skills and experience to get the job done. Here’s what you should do:

Send an influencing letter

Instead of simply thanking the interviewer for their time, use the opportunity to reinforce your interest in the position. You don’t want to overwhelm the interviewer, but including an example or two of your work is a smart way to display your expertise.

Review interview discussion

Did you draw a blank or give a sub-par answer to one of the questions asked? Use your note to modify, correct or emphasize anything you said during the interview. This gives you a chance to think and answer questions without the pressure of being on the spot.

Follow instructions

If the interviewer specified contacting them by email or phone, follow their instructions. If they tell you it will take two weeks, it will take that long. You might be anxious to hear an answer, but don’t pester the recruiter or interviewer with questions. You should also hold off on sending requests over LinkedIn until the hiring process is over.

Prepare for the next round

You never know when your potential employer could call to set up a second interview, so be prepared at a moment’s notice. Your next interview could be only a phone call away.

Follow these tips to ace the interview process and land the job of your dreams. Let The GetFive be your go-to place for job-search advice.



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