Networking, social networking, cover letters, resumes, applications … it often seems like the lists of job-search tasks will never end. And with so many pieces to the puzzle, it’s easy to overlook something or skip an important step, causing a problem in your search.

If you’re struggling to land that perfect job, GetFive identifies some things that might be holding you back and how you can fix them:

An Inefficient Strategy

If you’re simply sitting at your computer searching for jobs online, you’re wasting valuable time. While surfing the web is a popular job search strategy, you’re better off spending your time meeting with people in person. Work on scheduling informational interviews and making contacts at your target companies.

A Boring Two-Minute Pitch

Your elevator pitch should be a compelling story about your experience that includes your job search objectives. Practice speaking with a powerful voice and making eye contact with everyone in the room.

Not Completing Requirements

Too often, hiring managers and recruiters receive cover letters and resumes that don’t meet their requirements. No matter how qualified you are for the job, that’s usually a cue to automatically remove you from consideration. Don’t give them an immediate reason to put your application in the “no” pile.

No Clear Direction

Rather than applying to everything you’re qualified for, choose to narrow your search down to one or two types of jobs. This will help you determine what type of job you truly want as well as tailor your resume and cover letter to fit those jobs.

Although there are a lot of moving parts, it is important to continue to fine tune your job search as you go. If you’re struggling in one area, it could throw off your progress toward landing that new job. Still struggling with your cover letter, resume, or interview skills? GetFive is here to help with career coaches to help you with every aspect of your search.

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