How to Speed Up the Job Interview Process – Wall Street Journal

July 3rd, 2018

Job seekers may grow impatient with the long selection process that often precedes a new job, but there are a few steps one can take

Q: Regarding your column on employers taking longer to hire new employees: Is there anything a job seeker can do to speed up the process?

A: If you’re expecting another offer, send a polite email saying you enjoyed the conversation and the company remains a top choice, but that you’re expecting other offers very soon, says Robert Hellmann, a New York career coach with The Five O’Clock Club. Explain that “you’d hate to miss out on working together just because of avoidable issues with timing,” and ask if there is anything you can do to speed decision-making, he says.

If you’re simply feeling impatient, explore other opportunities, Mr. Hellmann says. “Have multiple opportunities in the works at any one time, so you’re not overly focused on one,” Mr. Hellmann says. The delay can become an advantage if it gives you time to line up competing offers. [Read More]





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