Whether you’re employed or unemployed, looking for full or part-time employment, in the hunt for consulting or freelance work, or even if you’re not interested in changing jobs right now, taking a systematic approach to your job search is one of the most effective ways to grow your network and prepare for unexpected changes.

A systematic job-hunting campaign has four main parts:


It begins by making a list of targets: the geographic area you want to work in, industry, company size (small, medium or large), and role. For example, you may want to be an account in the publishing industry in Philadelphia. That’s your target.

After making a list of target careers, you will focus on one big goal: getting an interview.

Getting the Interview

This might be the most labor-intensive part of the four-step process. You’ll write resumes and cover letters, network like crazy, make connections, search firms, answer ads and so on. Good organization and dogged persistence are key at this stage.

The Interview

The interview is the culmination of the time you put into networking and trying to get yourself in front of the hiring manager. Before you arrive at the interview, make sure you’ve practiced with a career coach, that you know what points about your experience to emphasize, and how to turn the interview into an offer.

Follow Up

After every interview, follow up with an influence letter. Here you will briefly thank the person you interviewed with, recap the conversation, explain what excites you about the role and share why you would be a good fit.

Practice, Practice, Practice

You should always be on the lookout for new opportunities. Get your name out there, whether you plan on changing jobs or not. The fact is, organizations change directions and departments merge, and you can’t always rely on your employer to tell you about what will happen next.

With enough job-hunting practice and with the help of GetFive, you’ll be able to take advantage of these changes and move your career in the direction you want it to go.

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