A Targeted Job Search Could Make All the Difference

Most people wait for December to reflect on the things they need to change. From there, they make resolutions. But if you’re a job hunter, every day is an opportunity to pause, reflect, and decide to make a renewed effort to find a new job.

It starts by embracing rather than dreading the job hunt.

So how do you put this plan into action?

First, it involves more than updating your resume or answering random ads. Hundreds of thousands of other job hunters are doing the same thing. HR inboxes are swamped, and most of those resumes people worked so hard to update are simply deleted.

There is another way to get noticed — it’s called the 5-Step Method. Part of this methodology is in the following four steps below. When job hunters follow these steps, they usually land better jobs more quickly than others — and at higher rates of pay.

  • Determine your goal. Take time to review your accomplishments and your strongest and most enjoyable skills to discover what you do well and what makes you happy. This involves completing The Seven Stories Exercise, followed by the Forty- or Fifteen-Year Vision Exercise. Both these will help you identify goals and what you want to achieve in your life and career.
  • Brainstorm your target list. With family, friends, and your small group at the Club, brainstorm as many job targets as possible. Research and investigate industries, companies, and other geographical locations that may have more opportunities for you. Reach out to people, attend industry association meetings, and create a list of targets.
  • Use a targeted resume and cover letter. Rather than a one-size-fits-all resume, you need to tailor each letter and resume to match each position you apply for. Targeted documents are more likely to attract recruiters and hiring managers who will be able to see that your skills and experience match their needs.
  • Contact recruiters and hiring managers by target. Aim to build a list of six to 10 people you can keep in contact with on a regular basis in each target. They will help keep you abreast of any job openings.
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