While everyone is thrilled to get a job offer, not many people look forward to the process involved with salary negotiation. Thinking about negotiating your salary tends to make you worry that you will either ask for too little or too much and that the employer will make a low offer you won’t know how to evaluate. But negotiating your salary doesn’t have to be so complicated. Just follow these simple dos and don’ts to put yourself in a much better position for getting the amount of money you deserve — whether you’re up for your annual review or are about to start a job search in your quest to find a new career.

Do: Be Prepared

It’s very likely that your employer will ask you what salary you would like to earn. This question could be asked as soon as you start your conversation so it’s important to be ready for it. Research salaries for positions similar to yours before the interview or review. You should know the low, median and high salaries for someone with your education, skill set and experience.

Don’t: Allow your Employer to Offer a Figure Based on What you Used to Make

How much money you made at previous jobs is your business only. The employer can effectively and fairly figure out what your worth is without even knowing what you’ve been paid in the past. If possible, decline discussing your previous salary. If that’s not possible, state your reasons for previously working for a lower salary.

Do: Be Honest About Your Past Salary

Remember that the employer may check your salary history by either asking to see a W2 or by directly contacting your previous employer. This is why you should not tell the employer that you made more money than what you actually earned.

Don’t: Make It All About You

Instead of talking about personal matters like how much money you need each month to get by, focus on stating specifically how you can contribute to the company. Make it clear that you are worthy of a salary increase based on your experience, skills and education.

Do: Agree to Accept More Responsibility

If you recognize a need you can fill or if your boss asks you to take on more work, jump at the chance. However, never take on more work unless you are being compensated appropriately for it.

Don’t: Ask for a Raise Without Stating Why You’re Worth It

When you’re negotiating your salary, it’s very important for you to sell yourself so don’t be reserved or shy. Be proud of the skills you possess, your past experience and the education you’ve earned. You should be specific and detailed when asking for a raise so be prepared to state your accomplishments, value and worth at the organization.

Do: Consider Getting Salary Negotiation Help from GetFive

One great option for increasing your chances of getting the salary you want and deserve is to make use of our career coaching services. A career coach can help you become a better negotiator by teaching you how to effectively highlight your experience, skills and accomplishments. Contact us today for more information.







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