The Smart Ways to Switch Jobs Quietly – the Wall Street Journal

July 3rd, 2018

More employees, especially millennials, are willing to jump to a new company, but there are many ways that can go wrong


  • Cultivate an image of being actively engaged in your profession, whether you’re job-hunting or not. “Cultivate an air of someone who is always actively engaged in your profession,” going to seminars and events, says Teri Coyne, a senior executive coach in New York with GetFive, an outplacement and career-services firm. If the boss asks if you’re looking, say, “I’m always open to conversations,” but having conversations doesn’t mean you’re planning to leave, she says.
  • Keep giving 100% on the job throughout your search.
  • Plan what to say if your boss asks if you’re looking around.
  • Turn off LinkedIn notifications to your network about new contacts and updates to your bio.


  • Allow your interest in new projects or plans to wane.
  • Use your employer’s computer, email, phone or copier for your job search.
  • Try to cram a job interview into a one-hour lunch break.
  • Allow yourself to be drawn into a conversation about quitting before you’re ready.

Read more on WSJ here!

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