Here at GetFive, we’re big believers in technological tools. While there’s no substitute for direct contact and networking, the app ecosystem has come a long way and there are a lot of really useful tools to aid in your job search. Here are our top 5 recommendations of apps that’ll give your job search a meaningful boost:

  • Charlie:  When you have a meeting with an important person, the Charlie App will comb the web, searching through hundreds of sources like LinkedIn and leading news sites, then send you a one-pager of everything you need to know about them – minutes before you head into the meeting. This is a powerful way to make a great first impression.
  • Job Interview Question-Answer: Nothing helps a job seeker more than strong interviewing skills, and this is a great free app that’ll let you hone yours. Using the app, you can video record your answers to some of the toughest interview questions you’ll face, then watch a professional interview coach answer the question and compare your answers. With this practice, you can answer with confidence once the real thing rolls around.
  • LinkedIn Jobs: We all know LinkedIn, but few people know of LinkedIn’s custom job search app – and it’s a powerful one. You can search through job listings and even get notifications based on the types of opportunities you’re interested in.
  • Switch: Switch is like Tinder for job seekers. Unlike a standard job application where you are required to enter your name, address and standard contact information, using Switch you can apply to jobs anonymously, with employers seeing just your credentials and not your identity. If your resume is strong, this is a no-brainer. Simply open the app, swipe right on jobs you are interested in, and wait for a match! You can chat with hiring managers and choose who you wish to share your profile with.
  • Business Card Reader: Here’s a tool that everyone should have. This ingenious app lets you take a picture of a business card, then it’ll use advanced text-recognition software to import all that data into a new contact in your phone. Say goodbye to fumbling with your phone when you meet a new contact – this app will do the work for you!

Contact Your Career Coaching Experts

Have more questions about our favorite tech tools for the job hunt, or want to recommend your own? We’re always happy to talk! Feel free to reach out to us at our contact page, become a member, or check out how to reignite your career with The Career Insider Program. We can’t wait to hear from you, and we hope to see you back at this blog for more useful tips and info on successfully advancing your career.
















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