Top Five Jobs for Those with a Disability

Here’s a sobering statistic according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Americans with a physical handicap are 50 percent more likely to be unemployed than other workers [1]. When we see figures such as these, we can’t help but wonder why, because it doesn’t have to be this way. In today’s market, advances in modern technology, the Americans with Disabilities Act and work-from-home opportunities have opened the doors for Americans with disabilities to join the workforce like never before.

Below are five of the career paths where many Americans with disabilities are thriving. Each of these professions offers long-term stability to anyone looking to join the workforce and lower that Bureau of Labor Statistics stat one percentage point at a time.

  • Accountant. Whether working as a self-employed accountant or for a professional firm, people with disabilities of all types are finding success in the field of accounting. Modern technology makes accessing the proper information easy and many firms are open to office or work-from-home opportunities for their accountants, increasing the opportunities for disabled people.
  • Writer. Similar to accounting work, being a professional writer holds many of the same advantages for people with disabilities that accountant work does. In-office and work-from-home opportunities are available and modern audio technology or voice recognition software enables people with nearly any type of disability to succeed in this profession.
  • Customer service representative. Customer service professionals are always in demand and many people with disabilities are finding success in this role. Call centers are often in-house opportunities but modern technology makes it possible for employees with several different types of disabilities to succeed in this career.
  • Computer systems analyst. In today’s modern digital age, the future of job growth is tied to technology. Computer systems analysts remain in high demand and many disabled Americans – particularly those who are limited by their movement capabilities – are finding success in the field.
  • Software developer. It’s one of the hottest jobs in the technology sector so it’s no surprise thousands of Americans, including those with disabilities, are learning to become software developers. The role of developing and testing new software holds a tremendous financial upside and the profession is very welcoming of those with disabilities.
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