Whether you lost your job or have trouble finding a new one, you know all too well that a bump in the road of your career can cause some uncertainty. But often, you can use the skills you learn during your job search to accomplish more than just landing a new position.

Larry Reines found himself in this situation when he lost his job after making an industry change. “I needed to decide if I should go back to my first industry or move ahead, and I ended up moving ahead. GetFive has some key advice that I actually use for daily living. For example, the goal of speaking to at least five contacts per day can really translate into any sales effort,” says Reines.

“A lot of the skills I learned during my job search translate to my current work. GetFive teaches you to sell yourself, so you need to be a seller,” Reines continues. I was using my professional pitch the same way I was using the pitch to raise money for my business. Having a succinct pitch for your job search is just like perfecting your pitch when speaking to investors.”

So the next time you encounter a career setback, remember that it’s all about growth. The skills you learn while searching for a job are the same skills you’ll need to operate in the business world as well as in your personal life. Contact GetFive to work with a career coach too!

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