Client Success Story: Weather the Job Search Storms with a Positive Attitude

We’ve all experienced a career setback. Maybe you didn’t get the job you wanted or you were laid off due to circumstances beyond your control. But sometimes, these events are just the push you need to make a necessary change.

You’re bound to experience a few setbacks throughout your career, but what can you do when the challenges seem almost constant? This is an all-too-real situation for Trisha Rusin, a long-time member of GetFive.

Rusin built a career in public relations and decided to freelance in 2005. But in 2008, she was ready to get back into the working world as a salaried team member.

“It wasn’t exactly a great time for a job search but I did it anyway, joining GetFive support me in that search. I got a great job, after nearly a year of looking, as a communications director for a nonprofit. That lasted two and a half years before decision makers decided to defund the program. As a person over 50 at director level, with a kid heading off to college, I needed a new job at a salary level that aligned with my life stage and situation. GetFive helped me land a great job again, only to be ‘made redundant’ in significant corporate downsizing.”

Setbacks happen.

Rusin learned that despite her many setbacks, she had to keep her head in the game. “I was persistent, but even more important, I was positive, high energy and current. This Boomer even did some homework on Gen-X cultural icons. I needed to attend to my attitude, presence and the needs of the organization to show that I was the person to get the job done.”

“Not only did I land a new job, on point with salary and location, but I did it relatively quickly and had three offers on the table. It was an opportunity to direct all of my skill, maturity and savviness to a role that is a great fit.”

Age is just a number.

“To those of us ‘of a certain age,’ I would say: Do not get cranky about your situation. It is what it is. Second, make an effort to stay current. Don’t sit in the lobby, looking all somber reading a crumpled New York Times. Open your app and read it on your iPhone. And look positive. They really need you.”

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