Yes, You Can Explain Employment Gaps – Kansas City Star

June 4th, 2019

If you’ve been out of work for a stretch — say half a year or more — it’s just about past time for you to have returned to the job market. To be clear: This isn’t about returning to the pay or job quality of what you had before. That job may not be available. But it’s better to have some job, any job, on your résumé than an idle gap.

GetFive, a resource organization for job hunters, recently posted concise guidelines for getting back into the employment ranks after a long break. Paraphrasing the tips:

• Don’t assume you can sneak a long job gap past recruiters or interviewers. If possible, include a brief explanation — layoff, sabbatical, family care, attempt to start your own business, etc. — in a cover letter. Then prepare to go into further detail in an interview. [Read More]

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