The path to a stronger employer brand.

By ensuring that your exiting employees are immediately focusing on their careers – rather than their frustrations – we are able to substantially reduce the adverse impact on your employer brand.


A strong employer brand is critical to attracting the best talent. CEOs understand the critical link between talent attraction and long term success. But, the radical transparency associated with community ratings has given this mission a new urgency. CEOs are asking HR to take unprecedented ownership of the employer brand and community ratings.


As a former Wall Street analyst, I know the intense pressure that companies face from investors and owners to achieve long term objectives without missing short term ones. To meet this challenge, high performing companies require an effective end-to-end talent management strategy, of which GetFive Modern Outplacement is an integral part.

We are the critical HUMAN extension of the organization as your exiting employees enter their transitions. The offboarding process may consist of a long checklist, but no one is positioned to tackle the employee’s most significant source of stress and shape their path forward like we can.

Through Active Engagement, GetFive has redefined outplacement to be more than just career transition support.

We are the critical HUMAN extension of the organization as your exiting employees enter their transitions. The offboarding process may consist of a long checklist, but no one is positioned to tackle the employee’s most significant source of stress and shape their path forward like we can.


Invest in the success of your outbound employees and watch your employer brand thrive

Darren Kimball
CEO, GetFive

Active Engagement™

Our Active Engagement™ process kicks in during the period of maximum risk to your social reputation. For a lot of companies, this is a Blindspot. They forget that avoiding negative reviews is just as important as garnering positive ones.

A Disruptive Approach

Historically, HR professionals have viewed the value of outplacement services through the lens of landing metrics. Yet, most online reviews by exiting employees occur well before a landing is in sight.

GetFive’s disruptive approach focuses on the front end of the engagement. It means managing your reputation during the period where your exited employees are most likely to be active on social media.


“Employees’ online reviews are good predictors of a firm’s financial results and, consequently, of value-relevance for investors.”

Efthymia Symitsi, Norwich Business School, 2017

40% of Glassdoor reviews are posted by former employees.

Studies show that the vast majority of exiting employees would not recommend their employers. Yet, 60% of participants said their GetFive experience positively impacted how they view their former employer.

92% of consumers read online reviews before they buy. Is talent any different?


We’ll make sure you don’t walk into the glass. We stop bad reviews before they
happen, by proactively engaging your exiting employees. GetFive’s approach is
essential to social reputation management.

Our method is tested, proven, and undeniably…