Career Coach Insider

The Program That Pays for Itself

Accelerate your job search, even by just a week, and your investment has paid for itself.
With GetFive in your corner, you can beat the averages. Let’s take a look at what this would mean for you.

1. Set your targeted annual salary
2. Adjust the Length of Your Job Search
* According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average job seeker spends 25 weeks searching for a job.

Back to Work Faster by
5 Weeks

Additional Salary Earned

Return on Your Career Investment*

Become an Insider

*Calculations are based off of the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimation of an average job search durration of 25 weeks, and the cost of of the Flex 5 Career Insider Plan ($999.00). Estimates are accurate but not guaranteed.


Reduction in time spent between jobs


Successful career transitions


Rated “Valuable” or “Very Valuable”

“My Coach was more than a career coach.”

He helped me understand myself, my motivations, and my hesitations. He helped me overcome my own insecurities and realize the potential I can have. He helped me break down a huge project into reasonable steps and keeping me honest about what needed to be done next.

Mike S. Entrepreneur