Client Success Stories

Every job search and every career are different. It is the unique story of each individual and our impact on their careers that is our best measure of success.

Read some of these amazing stories below

“GetFive is a one stop shop for all your job search needs. They have several tools and resources at their disposal to help you land on your feet in a new role and can support you redesign your career path. Their team of coaches are knowledgeable and experienced in diverse job markets.”


Eva Baguma

“I hadn’t looked for a job in 24 years, and didn’t know how to start, once I was laid off at an executive level. GetFive coaches and the executive support group were excellent resources during my job search. They provided practical advice, moral support and honest feedback, all of which were extremely helpful to me.”


Debra Hunter

“GetFive was most helpful to me in the revision of my resume, creating my LinkedIn profile, and developing my 2-minute pitch. I would highly recommend them for anyone who wants to find a job or just improve his/her presence in the job market.”


Michelle Lewis

“The G5 method has really helped me navigate my job search activities in a systematic way. The support system including the insider meeting and weekly group meeting have also helped my job search effective and enjoyable.”


Tamaki Stiles

“After I lost my job I was devastated. GetFive got me back on my feet, helped me get my resume together and restored my confidence. After working at the same place for 10 years, I had no idea how to go about getting a job in the “new” world – GetFive and my coach gave me that confidence and know how! Thanks GetFive!”


Bob Paulson

“My Coach was more than a career coach. He helped me understand myself, my motivations, and my hesitations. He helped me overcome my own insecurities and realize the potential I can have. He helped me break down a huge project into reasonable steps and keeping me honest about what needed to be done next.”


Mike Schloff

“GetFive method and guidance I received from my coach were critical to my success in landing my dream job…the step-by-step approach allowed me to discover hidden personality and professional qualities and I didn’t even realize I had! My confidence level increased greatly and I was able to shift my mentality from a passive job-seeker to a proactive one.”


Juliana Siqueria

“It enabled me to feel confident about the skills and the talents that I was bringing to the table. After sharing my Seven Stories with my GetFive coach, I felt that I could now approach this job search from a place of strength, ready to embrace the possibilities.”


Lisette Bernal-Cruz

“GetFive’s daily career blog is the best I’ve ever seen! It’s so well done and well-written. I read it every day.”


Gina Halstead

“GetFive came to be a great support group for me, it helped me be proactive with tangible goals and it gave me hope.”


David McNamara

“GetFive gives you a focus for your job search, not to just throw out a wide net and see where you stick but to really have a good sense of direction of where you want to go.”


Ashera Khan

“I learned at GetFive how to put together good stories that would really communicate what I could do and what I was capable of.  I think that worked really well.”


Sara Tenney

“Not only did I land a new job, on point with salary and location, but I did it relatively quickly and had three offers on the table.”


Pat Garrison

“My coach helped me discover my strength and confidence and how to position my passion and spirit.”


Pamela Lisa Chirls

“My resume improved tremendously thanks to GetFive and I had great individual coaching from my GetFive coach with that, and I also had great feedback in the group session.”


Rachel Lord

“GetFive provides a basis for lifelong skills. For instance, you learn what your strengths are, you learn what you’re passionate about, you know what you’re worth and you know how to talk about this with confidence.”


Anne Benkovitz

“You get inspired by what other people do, and that keeps you going at a time that is probably one of the most difficult in my life.”


Victoria Fisher

“GetFive was a great source for know the latest trends, offering a wide range of support, and keeps in touch, always asking the next step. They are professional and offer respectful advice.”


Melinda Spada

“What worked for me was that GetFive was basically everything.”


Marion Hammon

“At the end of this, I’ve come out more confident, clearer about who I am and what I really want.”


Naomi Lippin

“I wanted to take the GetFive approach, and it was a really good introspective learning experience to get to know yourself better.  And it really did make me a better candidate for the job.”


David Blocher

“First and foremost, GetFive offers support. You have the support of your colleagues, your individual coach, and the group coach. I think it’s definitely the way to go; I would suggest it to everybody.”


Deborah Wells

“Having the confidence that I built working with my GetFive coach just made all the difference.”


Gabrielle Steele

“I learned at GetFive how to put together good stories that would really communicate what I could do and what I was capable of.  I think that worked really well.”


Sara Tenney

“The GetFive program is a game changer. The more closely you adhere to their curriculum, materials and recommendations, the faster you will achieve the results you desire.”


Christina L.

“The process was very helpful to me, incredibly helpful.  When I first started, I wasn’t sure if it was going to work out for me, [but] then I just let go and [started trusting] the process.”


Kyle Rivers

“The support system GetFive offers is amazing. The amount of tools provided to help individuals ease back into the job search environment put me at ease and lessened my anxiety after being with one company for 20 years.”


Jamie C.

“Having someone guide me through the process of looking at my skills and deciding what to do next was invaluable. I was able to develop an excellent résumé with the help of GetFive, and my confidence was rebuilt. I couldn’t have done any of that alone!”


Beth L.

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